Game design & potential project

Today I graduated college and received my B.S in Information Systems. While speaking with several of my colleagues we came up with the idea of creating a simple RPG to hone our skill and have a project on our portfolio. I’m still deciding if the core language will be in C# or Java but I hope to start wire framing and designing a basic RPG system before the end of January.

Spigot 1.8 and continuation of ReitzRPG

ReitzRPG was moved from Bukkit to Spigot in light of recent events regarding Minecraft version 1.8. Spigot has continued to maintain the stability of the CraftBukkit server implementation in their own project. Craftbukkit with recent events seemed to has stalled out at 1.7.9 and has no future plans to continue. So with that in mind I have moved my ReitzRPG project to the new repository located at: